Saturday, December 12, 2009

The 1968 Project

I spent yesterday at the Oakland Museum (now closed for renovations) discussing a forthcoming museum exhibition. The working title is "The 1968 Project," and its website is here. The Oakland Museum of California is a partner, and the curators wanted to go over the plans with a group of locals. I was lucky enough to be selected.

I won't rehearse the details of our discussion here, but I found it very stimulating. It's almost impossible not to plunge directly into the politics of that momentous year, and that's exactly what I did at first. I suppose we're still struggling over who gets to tell that story and how. But the worlds of science, sports, religion, literature, film, music, art, television, fashion and so on were clicking along, and though none of those realms was untouched by politics, I was glad to see some balances struck in the presentation.

Full disclosure: I'm not really a visual or spatial thinker. As a Skando Lutheran (raised that way, I mean), it's all about the word for me. So when I think about all the different considerations in putting together an exhibit like this, I marvel at the talent of those who can pull it off. So many choices to make! Not just on the "content," but on the presentation. My god, where do you start? Happily, this project is well on its way and should be fascinating.


  1. I was part of this discussion, too, and I also found it invigorating. My specialty is music, not politics, but I am politically conscious and active, and I always find it useful to look at those tumultuous years from the perspective of today and through the eyes of others who have studied it through various lenses. I learned a lot, and I expect I'll learn more as this project grows.

  2. Thanks, David. BTW, yesterday I picked up a book you blurbed called Sweet Chaos. I welcome any other recommendations you have (in addition to your books) on the Dead.
