Sunday, April 05, 2009

Fante's 100th Birthday

Zocalo will host an event at the Hammer Museum this Tuesday to celebrate the 100th birthday of Los Angeles novelist and screenwriter John Fante. David Kipen will moderate a panel that includes Fante biographer Stephen Cooper. Fanatical readers of this blog will recall how highly I regard Steve and his work.

Fante was a close friend of Carey McWilliams, who claimed that he kept his companion "reasonably sober, away from the race tracks, draw poker sessions, opium dens and other low dives, properly confined to home and hearth and study and in regular attendance at mass."


  1. Loved Ask the Dust - the man deserves more attention.

  2. Yep, and I really like Charles Bukowski's intro to the Black Sparrow reprint. I believe Ecco has retained that.
