Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Reese Erlich Day

After the CSA committee meeting at Cal on Sunday, I wandered over to Barrows Hall for a book event with Reese Erlich, who wrote The Iran Agenda for PoliPointPress. Reese has been everywhere lately. He was on Peter Laufer's KPFA show earlier that day, I heard his NPR piece on Joni Mitchell last week, and he visited Google headquarters last Tuesday to talk about the book. That's a fraction of what he has already done and has planned over the next month. Go Reese.

Believe it or not, I'm about to head out to Oakland to celebrate Reese Erlich Day. The City Council will honor him with a resolution, and a reception and dinner will follow. Reese was a member of the so-called Oakland 7 back in the day, and the irony isn't lost on him. He was a staffer at Ramparts magazine, too.

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