Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Links

Two new links on my blog roll: California Studies Association and Frank Barajas .

The California Studies Association sponsors an annual conference, which I attended this year in Berkeley. (I joined the steering committee for next year's conference, too.) CSA also bestows its own Carey McWilliams Award; recipients have included Mike Davis, Kevin Starr, Luis Valdez, Gerald Haslam, and James Houston and Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston.

The organization has been guided over the years by Jeff Lustig and Richard Walker. I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of Dick Walker's latest book, The Country in the City, which tells the story of environmental activism in the Bay Area.

I gather the CSA website will be redesigned soon, so it's worth checking on occasionally.

As my last entry noted, Frank is an associate professor of history at Cal State Channel Islands. He's now researching community responses to civil gang injunctions in Oxnard.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Peter,

    Thanks for mentioning me and my work in your posts. I will be visiting the CSA website for information on its next meeting.


