Monday, June 19, 2006

Good Vibrations

Just returned from McWilliams country--always a pleasure. Victoria Steele said the UCLA event on Thursday was the best-attended Bonnie Cashin lecture they've had yet (!)

The KPCC interview also went well, I thought, but my brother Scott had some useful pointers for me afterward. He has plenty of media experience, so I listened carefully. Patt Morrison was as impressive in person as I expected--very astute, of course, and with her trademark chapeau, but also a great radio voice.

Rusty Harding at All Saints Pasadena organized an informal book talk on Friday night that I thoroughly enjoyed, and Michael Dawson pulled together a great group at his bookstore on Saturday. I could do that sort of circuit indefinitely--so many interesting people in their own right, and so many receptive to McWilliams and his achievement.

Another trippy part of the L.A. trip was an impromptu dinner with Scott Ritter, the former UN weapons inspector, on the boardwalk in Venice. Jeff Norman, who works for P3 but is also organizing events for Ritter and others, put it together.

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