Tuesday, December 19, 2023
New Books Network Podcast About "Savage Journey"
I chatted with U.S. historian Steven Hausmann about Hunter S. Thompson and Savage Journey. I thought the podcast came out quite well.
Kevin Starr at the Commonwealth Club
I contributed to Redemptive Dreams, a volume about California historian Kevin Starr. It was edited by Jason Sexton and published by Routledge. My piece focused on Kevin's columns in the San Francisco Examiner before he became California's preeminent historian. Jason also asked me to participate in a panel discussion, hosted by the Commonwealth Club, about Kevin and his work. Happily, the Commonwealth Club recorded the discussion.
Monday, July 17, 2023
GonzoFest 2023
Delighted to participate in the tenth and final (?) GonzoFest. Seen here with Timothy Denevi, William McKeen, Margaret Ann Harrell, John Brick, and Ron Whitehead at the High Horse Bar in Louisville. The beautifully restored Vincent motorcycle allowed for a quick exit. I also met Judy Clancy, Matt Hahn, Leland Locke, and Tara Locke; reconnected with Grant Goodwine; and appeared on the "Hunter Gatherers" podcast with Curtis Robinson & Christopher Tidmore. Thank you Ron Whitehead and crew for lashing this whole thing together. Photo by Beth Tudor.