Saturday, April 29, 2006
Patt Morrison and All Saints Church
I'm making another Lo-Cal swing in June, and I'm pleased to add two more events to that trip: a conversation with Patt Morrison (KPCC, 89.3) and a talk at All Saints Church in Pasadena, both on June 16. Patt Morrison and All Saints Pasadena are two very impressive Southern California institutions. (See www.pattmorrison.com and www.allsaints-pas.org for details on their efforts and achievements.)
Rothmann Show Tonight
I'll appear on John Rothmann's show tonight on KGO (810 AM) at 1:00 a.m. to discuss Carey McWilliams and American Prophet. We should have a lot to talk about. Rothmann worked on Nixon's 1968 campaign, and McWilliams followed Nixon's career closely if unsympathetically. Rothmann is also interested in the Jewish experience in America, which McWilliams treated in Brothers Under the Skin and A Mask for Privilege.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Michigan Daily Excerpt
The Michigan Daily ran an excerpt of the book. Here's the link.
Book Excerpt: American Prophet: The Life and Work of Carey McWilliams - The Statement
Book Excerpt: American Prophet: The Life and Work of Carey McWilliams - The Statement
Monday, April 10, 2006
Gigs Update
Here's the flapjaw schedule (and past events) for American Prophet: The Life and Work of Carey McWilliams.
Saturday, June 17--Dawson's Book Shop, 535 N. Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles, 2:30 p.m. Open to public.
Friday, June 16--All Saints Church, Pasadena, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, June 16--Talk of the City with Patt Morrison, KPCC, 89.3 FM, 2-3 p.m.
Thursday, June 15--Bonnie Cashin lecture, UCLA, 4 p.m. Open to public.
Sunday, April 30--The John Rothmann Show, KGO, 810 AM, 1:00 a.m.
March 30--Black Oak Books, Berkeley.
March 1--Morning Review with Gabriel Gutierrez, KPFK, Los Angeles.
February 28--Huntington Library, San Marino. Sponsored by the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West.
February 27--Oxnard Public Library.
February 27--Cal State Northridge. Sponsored by the Chicana/o Studies Department.
October 3, 2005--Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco.
September 21, 2005--California Studies Lecture, UC Berkeley.
May 21, 2005--The Sleepy Lagoon Case, Constitional Rights, and the Struggle for Democracy: A Commemorative Symposium, UCLA. Sponsored by the Chicano Studies Research Center, the Charles E. Young Research Library Department of Special Collections, and the Fowler Museum of Cultural History.
April 6, 2003--All Saints Church, Pasadena.
Saturday, June 17--Dawson's Book Shop, 535 N. Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles, 2:30 p.m. Open to public.
Friday, June 16--All Saints Church, Pasadena, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, June 16--Talk of the City with Patt Morrison, KPCC, 89.3 FM, 2-3 p.m.
Thursday, June 15--Bonnie Cashin lecture, UCLA, 4 p.m. Open to public.
Sunday, April 30--The John Rothmann Show, KGO, 810 AM, 1:00 a.m.
March 30--Black Oak Books, Berkeley.
March 1--Morning Review with Gabriel Gutierrez, KPFK, Los Angeles.
February 28--Huntington Library, San Marino. Sponsored by the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West.
February 27--Oxnard Public Library.
February 27--Cal State Northridge. Sponsored by the Chicana/o Studies Department.
October 3, 2005--Public Policy Institute of California, San Francisco.
September 21, 2005--California Studies Lecture, UC Berkeley.
May 21, 2005--The Sleepy Lagoon Case, Constitional Rights, and the Struggle for Democracy: A Commemorative Symposium, UCLA. Sponsored by the Chicano Studies Research Center, the Charles E. Young Research Library Department of Special Collections, and the Fowler Museum of Cultural History.
April 6, 2003--All Saints Church, Pasadena.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Next Radio Gig
Just received an invitation to appear on KGO's John Rothmann show to talk about Carey McWilliams and American Prophet. The show is scheduled for Sunday, April 30, at 1:00 a.m. That's cutting pretty deep into the cocktail hour, but duty calls. If you're up late that Saturday night, give it a shot at 810 on the AM dial.